Iteratively redesigning apparel retail business model leads to 50% sales lift

Fortune 500 apparel retailer opening a retail pop-up with a smaller consignment partner to launch a new footwear product line. Management team need to solve system limitations, lack of inventory visibility and build new processes to embody their interactive business model to take the brand into the future.

What we did

  • Karois opened the popup store, enabling proprietary applications and solving limitations such as multiple locations configuration, limited sku availability for multiplicity of vendors. Merchandising hierarchy setup crucial to receive inventory and sell merchandise instore and via ecommerce.


  • Karois designed, developed and activated interactive consignment vendor features critical to maintain engaging assortment and inventory levels. Using agile methodology Karois developed interactive features on a weekly sprint cycle for a smoother vendor/consignor experience.
    • We improved the operations model creating dashboards to view key performance indicators to support operations, management and respond to consumer inquiries.


  • After assessing the tech stack and developing a ten-year roadmap, Karois defined a robust scalable, omnichannel retail system, working with vendor XY retail platform vendors to deliver a flexible omnichannel platform.



● Interactive customer experience

● Cut consignment payment processing time by 2 days

● Increased customer sales by 50%

● Inventory visibility